Ok so i thought i'd mock up the design before i started building it, good thing i did, 1 thing is for sure the saloon is almost certainly out. it simply doesn't fit.
general veiw
layout doesn't look so bad from here
but from here you can clearly see the saloon which should be opposit the 2 black buildings, won't fit.
if you look at the previous post i had 4 building along the right hand side, it appears to only fit 3, so i think i might put in another small building and a hanging platform instead.
p.s. the smaller black buildings are outhouses but i ran out of buildings to mock up with :)
Thanks for keeping tabs on how you are putting this whole thing together - I'm just learning how to do terrain myself, and it's nice to watch someone else's process to get some new ideas. I haven't done anything to the scale of a whole board yet. Keep up the good work!